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Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Coffee Made from Poop is Better Than Sex!

Kopi Luwak also known as Civet Coffee has a rather unusual cultivation method. One of the world's rarest and most expensive coffees, Kopi Luwak is renowned for its complex flavors. Before you decide to go to your local
Starbucks and order a cup consider this: It is pooped out a cat's butt. The Civet cat looks more like a drunken mating between a ferret and a raccoon than a house cat but that is the name that stuck.

Somewhere in Indonesia a rather unusual connection was made. Civet cats love coffee cherries. People love coffee. Let's make coffee from the beans that this cat poops out. The Civet cat's digestive processes are said to add the special flavor, YUMMY!! The digestive juices and enzymes break down the proteins that give other coffees their bitter taste.

If you decide to try Kopi Luwak coffee know that it has been much researched. The beans are lightly roasted to kill any bacteria before the beans are ground into coffee. Special analysis by labs have surprisingly showed roasted Kopi Luwak beans have lower bacterial levels than normal coffee. Scientific study of the chemical compounds in the cat poop coffee also reveal how completely different Kopi Luwak coffee is. This might account for the incredible taste.

Also, before you head to your local coffee place know your trip might be in vain. There are only 1000 pounds produced a year. This rarity and increasing world demand have pushed prices to about $450-$600 a pound or $50 dollars a cup.

Most people if they are going to spend $600 dollars on a pound of Kopi Luwak want the real thing. This is a matter of concern as scam artists have been passing off coffee digested by humans as the real thing. Experts suggest ordering the beans still unroasted in the cat poop as proof. This adds to the experience because you get the smell and later the joy of picking the poop from under your fingernails. I suggest you clean under your fingernails as soon as you extract the beans to avoid any contamination and maybe brush your teeth after drinking. Your significant other will appreciate it!

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